Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is a paid strategy to get traffic to your website, It is also known as PPC pay per clicks campaigns.

We will help you in setting up Google AdWords account and Bing ad campaign account also in executing the ad campaign. We help in choosing the right keyword, optimize landing page and in bidding to obtain the first position. We make sure your ad quality score and CTR is high, hence you don’t waste your money.

Search Network Campaign

To place your search ad ie; text ads, on various search network such as Google, Yahoo, Bing also on their partner networks. This Campaign will help you in sales, leads, and website traffic.

Display Network Campaign

To run banner ads across the web, this campaign helps you in achieving the brand image, reach the wider audience.

Shopping Campaign

This campaign helps you boost your sale of product on your e-commerce platform by connecting with Google merchant center.

Video Campaign

To display your video ad on Google display partner websites and also in video streaming sites like Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo.

Universal app Campaign

To promote your IOS or Android app make this ad display on all network ie; on google search, google display network, on Youtube,  on the play store as well.

We will send you the reports of your campaign performance, Identify performing keywords, eliminate negative keywords, Optimize your campaigns, also shut down your non-performing ads.