eCommerce Marketing Services that get you more sales

An eCommerce website is like a beautiful shop, where your products are placed perfectly and provided description so that the customers can feel the product instead of physically touching them, Just like your shop requires footfalls your website requires traffic. To bring traffic to your website you do various eCommerce marketing services that will bring traffic and help you to get sales.

If you are new to the eCommerce business, please follow the link to the post which explains the basics of eCommerce business in India.

Ecommerce marketing services is a digital marketing services provided to eCommerce sites. It is called eCommerce marketing service, because it is slightly different from the usual digital marketing service for the local business. It requires a little more manpower as well.
Let me list out the major ecommerce marketing packages.
eCommerce SEO
eCommerce Content Marketing
eCommerce PPC Management
ecommerce social media marketing
email marketing for ecommerce etc.,

You can find out other eCommerce promotion techniques in detail click here.

eCommerce marketing services can be a tricky thing. With all of the different paths you can take, it\’s easy to get lost in the weeds and forget that your goal is to sell more. The key to any successful marketing campaign is understanding what your customer wants. If you don\’t know who your customers are, you won\’t have a clue what they want from their eCommerce experience. Successful marketing takes a lot of insight into your target market and a specific strategy for reaching them.

Why you Need an eCommerce Marketing Service


Like I said in the above paragraph it is a tricky thing if you are a business owner you don’t have to do all this on your own, as an entrepreneur you need to know what is digital marketing how it will help you grow business but it doesn’t mean you have to learn all modules of digital marketing and execute it yourself. Even eCommerce marketing agencies have multiple resources who can take care of each module, like an SEO expert, Social Media Manager, Graphic designer, Content writer, etc.

Sell to your Customers and Grow your eCommerce Business


When it comes to eCommerce most people tend to forget they are selling to actual people and not to Google or Facebook, where they fail to identify their customer and their behaviors. You have to define a customer avatar ie: specific people with interest or need of your product remember everyone is not your customer, and help him find the solution you are offering in your product or service.

Have you heard about the eCommerce marketing funnel this is nothing but the customer journey from awareness to purchase and till post-purchase follow-up to more sales (one time buyer into repeated customer).You have to use the right digital marketing service to push your customer from one funnel into another. For example, if a people view your product added it to the cart, and left without purchasing you need to use email/ SMS / WhatsApp marketing to abandon cart post-follow-up and convert it into a sale. That is why you need an eCommerce marketing plan with all eCommerce marketing services integrated to grow your eCommerce business.

If you have your team to handle the eCommerce marketing service but are not able to scale, you can go with eCommerce marketing consulting services where we find out what you doing wrong and help you with the right advertising and marketing strategy to scale your business.

Advertising and marketing in e-commerce with Non- Vanity Metrics

Don’t fall into the trap of eCommerce growth agencies showing vanity metrics as growth. Likes on Facebook and Instagram and number of followers are an example of a vanity metric, they feel good to look but with that, you can’t decide on any future actions. Be sure to get reports on actionable metrics like conversion rate, LTV, etc.


It is nice to have analytics and track metrics, but we need not necessarily track all metrics, we should only track actionable metrics so that we can align our strategies for future campaigns.
Make sure you track these metrics, conversion rates, average order value, email opt-in rates, returns, and refund rates.

Lets discuss deep into ecommerce marketing services

Best Sections of ecommerce marketing services


The following are the best section in ecommerce marketing service

1. Ecommerce Website

The website can be built from scratch or we can use WordPress, Shopify, and Wix to build a beautiful website. While building an in-house team or when outsourcing for eCommerce marketing service make sure there is a web developer in the team or keep an allocation in the budget for website optimization. If you have a simple website it is okay not to have a developer, but if you require multiple functionalities in your site it is better to go with a developer rather than apps ( it is mostly dependent on the budget).

2. SEO and Content Marketing

The second factor which is to align with your marketing strategy is SEO and Content marketing, You have to allocate a budget to create content like product images and videos. Many people ignore the importance of stock images and videos where they allocate no to minimum budget, which is also an integral part of content creation. While preparing strategy keeps in mind we are building our store for customers, not for Google bots, so make sure your content is meaningful and solves the problem of the customers.

3. Social Media- Branding and Sales

While focusing on social media follow the 80:20 rule, that you provide more infotainment content than your product post, Spending on social media focuses both on brand building and in sales.
Where search engines are demand fulfillment channels, social media is like a demand creation channel, it has to help users identify their problem and provide a solution for it.
Make sure you use product demonstration video and its benefits while running ads, carousel ad format is best for eCommerce. Also, use dynamic retargeting to show the user the product they were interested in.

4. Google Ads- PLA/ Shopping ads

Make use of Google merchant center add your product feed to list your product on google search/ shopping ads. This is called product listing ads/ shopping ads this ad type is especially for an eCommerce site. If your pricing is in the primary/luxury segment you can make use of this ad, because it displays product price in the search results. Use schema markup to display your results in google search.

5. Product reviews and Influencer marketing

The main thing you have to build in eCommerce marketing is trust. People have to trust in your company and products. Please don’t make fake google reviews. Make it a process of asking and collecting reviews from your customers. Apart from this you can outreach to influencers and bloggers in your niche and send your products and ask for an honest review, this will help you in identifying your product strength and weakness.

While going for influencer marketing do go with large followers, remember the vanity metrics, ask the influencer for analytics, also go for a micro-influencer rather than a macro influencer. Because micro-influencer posts are more engageable and also affordable. While doing paid promotions add them as branded content.

Also, collect UGC-user-generated content will build trust, also if possible provide a loyalty program.

6. Emails and Marketing automation

Email is the best ROI platform for eCommerce, with the right strategy and content you can get amazing results. Many websites just have a new letter section, which mentions \”subscribes for our newsletter\”. Please have a lead magnet build so that you have people submit their contact details. Even if you provide coupons and discounts, build the opt-in with gamification.
After collecting the email, don’t just stop with one email of welcome, make sure you have a welcome series of emails and also provide a huge discount in the first mail to make him convert into a customer. Email can be automated based on triggers.

Invest in an email marketing tool so that you do not miss out on converting a customer from every stage of the customer journey.

7. Conversion Rate Optimization marketing

Conversion Rate Optimization is a wide topic because conversion depends on many factors from Ad Image, target audience, landing page to content on the website, etc. Make sure the ad reflects what is on the landing page.
Use heatmaps/ hot jars to see what is your customer doing on the website, what is stopping them from making the purchase, and optimize the webpage/ landing page. Also, use AB testing to find out which version of the image, or landing page is performing better.


Every business is different, so we cannot use the same strategy for all businesses but you can devise a better strategy knowing your customer, and find what is working and with analytics and actionable metrics choose the best strategy which will scale your eCommerce business. If you have any trouble in build your eCommerce marketing strategy or defining your budget for social media, or if you have trouble managing your eCommerce business you can contact us. If you have doubts please ask in the comment section, I will try to answer them if possible.

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